

Where is Bespoke Extracts Inc. incorporated?

Bespoke Extracts Inc. is incorporated in the State of Nevada.

Where is Bespoke Extracts Inc.'s corporate headquarters?

12001 E. 33rd Ave
Aurora, CO 80010

Where does Bespoke Extracts Inc.'s common stock trade?

Common stock trades on “OTCQB”

When does Bespoke Extracts Inc.'s fiscal year end?

Fiscal year end is December 31.

Does Bespoke Extracts Inc. pay a dividend on its common stock?

No, Bespoke Extracts Inc. does not pay a dividend on its common stock at this time.

Who is Bespoke Extracts Inc.'s auditor?

Auditor is Assurance Dimensions

Who is Bespoke Extracts Inc.'s transfer agent and how do I contact them?

The Company’s transfer agent is EQ Shareowner Services
They can help with a wide variety of shareholder-related services.
You should contact them for any of the following:

  • Change of address
  • Transfer ownership of stock
  • Request stock certificate(s)
  • Request an individual account statement
  • Request replacement of lost stock certificate(s)

EQ Shareowner Services (Equiniti)

Transfer Agent
1110 Centre Pointe Curve
Suite 101
Mendota Heights, MN 55120